It appears that paintball fields all across the country are slowly being permitted to open back up. This is great news for the paintball industry considering the recent article on NXL Regional Conference Events being hosted at actual fields and not large venues.

Every state, city, and county has its own rules and regulations so you can expect that all of the fields will have different rules regarding safety during this pandemic. We suggest you follow all of the rules that the fields implement so that we can help them stay open for business during this strange time.
Now we can do some things of our own to not only make the players around you comfortable but also to continue the prevent of the spread of this virus. Use these precautions to help promote paintball in a positive manner for those attending fields.
*Wear face coverings while at the field or store.
*Maintain social distancing requirements when possible.
*Stage in recommended areas and respect any posted signs about distance control.
*Do not borrow or lend gear during your day of play.
*If you feel ill or sick by any means stay home.
*Clean your gear with disinfectant sprays and wipes before returning home.
*Wash your gear separate from your family's clothing.

For those that are able to get out there and play, please have fun and enjoy yourselves. Take photos and spread positivity for our sport on all social channels. Also, be sure to comment below what fields are open so those others reading can find a field to play at.
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