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How To Get Better At Paintball Quickly

How To Get Better At Paintball Quickly
Jason Edwards|
One of the most common questions I get asked by newer players and lower divisional players is "How do I get better at paintball as fast as possible?". My answer is always the same, play Hyper Aggressive paintball. 
By Hyper-aggressive paintball I don't mean just run far off the break. I want you to play as aggressive as possible, always looking to advance down the field, wrap shoot and move, get in their face! 
If you're a snake player try to cross the 50 yard line and get to their side. If you're a dorito player try to work your way down the wire as fast as possible and get to their side. If you're a center player cause chaos, learn to live on their side of the field. If you're a back player find ways to swing out to the wires and follow your front player up, go up the center and find ways to break open games, look for ways to be creative and get down the field. 
I want you to do this for two reasons. Reason #1 the lower the division the more room for error, players don't hold lanes as well, communication is flawed, gunfighting is not as dominant, and you'll be able to get down field and win more games. Reason #2 you will learn from your mistakes, you will learn to have to play tight, gunfighting will be closer so you'll have to learn to be quicker and more accurate, you'll learn how to win under pressure, you'll learn everything it takes to be good at a quicker pace. 
Let me know how this works for you after trying it out for awhile. 
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